WPS & Salary Calculations
WPS stands for the Wage Protection System, a system designed to guarantee that private companies consistently and punctually pay their employees the wages they have committed to.
The implementation of the WPS in Qatar began in 2015 which provides employees with assurance against the potential inconvenience of salary disbursement delays
Our WPS and Salary computation services include:
- Track attendance via time machine or manual documentation
- Managing salaries
- Preparing Pay slips with full breakdown of details,
- Preparing WPS files to help clients have smooth payroll transactions,
- Annual leave calculations
- Preparations of final settlements
How our WPS & Payroll services benefit your business!
- Provide timely and accurate salary computations
- Giving you peace of mind without the complexity of preparing WPS
- Avoid legal problems and delays
Contact Us
- Location 55 Main Street, Melbourne, Qatar
- +000 (123) 456 889
- arlasmcc@gmail.com